Extra-Curricular Achievements
Extra Curricular Sport

Diving, golf and table tennis

Congratulations to Charlie dM in Year 6 who completed his PADI Open Water Diver’s qualification in Egypt over the holidays.  This is no mean feat as the theory exam is the same for children as it is for adults.  The practical assessment likewise and requires a good deal of maturity and calmness under pressure when completing the necessary drills under water.  It is a fantastic achievement – well done to Charlie!

Golf - Congratulations also go to Harry S and George H in Year 3 who have been offered a ‘Cadet Scholarship’ in golf at the Henley Golf Club. This will allow them to attend specially arranged group coaching and competition sessions. We look forward to hearing how their golf is going over the year.

Table Tennis – Over Easter Oliver G in Year 5 and Sri G and Sam G from Year 6 entered the Drayton Table Tennis Clubs Cadet Championships along with another seven other boys up to the age of 15 years old.  All three Moulsford boys were drawn into the same group with Sri getting the better of this brother Sam in a close match.  Oliver beat both Sri and Sam to help him progress into the
knockout stages, but lost in the semi final to the eventual winner.

Sri and Oliver were randomly drawn together for the doubles tournament and beat Sam and his partner in the semi final and then surprisingly won the final in straight games beating the two boys who made it into the singles final. Well done to all three boys!

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