Open Days
Open Day Whole School

Sunshine and smiles greeted guests

The two school Open Days last week saw an excellent turn out of nearly 50 prospective families, all keen to come and see Moulsford in action. After running virtual events for a year, it was fantastic to welcome families back in person for the first time since February 2020.

Whilst Friday was a normal school day for teaching staff and pupils, the Saturday morning provided an excellent showcase of all that Moulsford has to offer, with senior boys involved in a wide variety of lessons, activities and of course giving guided tours.

Without exception, our visitors praised their guides for their excellent tours, and all were impressed by their confidence and manners. Thank you to all the boys in Years 6, 7 and 8 who helped to make it such a successful couple of days. These Senior boys are wonderful ambassadors for Moulsford and their cheerful and charming company are always highly regarded by visitors.

Many thanks too to all the Form Reps and PA members who gave up their time to assist with our guests and chat to them about their Moulsford experiences. It was a successful weekend of visits.

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