Raising money for Rivertime Boat Trust
The Moulsford Community came together, yet again, to support the efforts of the amazing finalists in Virtual MGT 2021! We were all entertained by some very talented boys across all the year groups and are hugely grateful for all the support given to Rivertime Boat Trust. Our fundraising has the potential to make a huge difference to the work that they do.
You can still donate at Virtual MGT 2021 supports Rivertime Boat Trust
Many congratulations go to all of the finalists who worked hard behind the scenes to create entertaining performances for us to watch during the live-streamed event last Friday! However, despite being hotly contested, the winners for each year group were:
Year 5 - Benji M-C
Year 6 - Felix C
Year 7 and Overall Winner - Rupert T
Year 8 - Charlie M
Special thanks go to the hosts of the evening Tim Vallings and Pete Way for their commentary. The evening ran very smoothly and we appreciate them both giving up their time. The hosts’ comment re a Maths Act has been noted and we are sure the boys will rise to the challenge next year.
One of the highlights was the staff dance troupe ‘Monstrosity’ who this year took on the challenge of TikTok dances! You can view their performance at 1 hour 14 mins into the live stream but also catch all of the performances here too.
Thank you, as ever, to everyone, without whose support, events like this simply wouldn’t happen.