Bobcats at Bucklebury
Pre-Prep Trip

A day of animals and nature

Bobcats enjoyed a day out at Bucklebury Farm last Friday.  We were able to handle some of the animals including a baby chicken, guinea pigs and two week old baby rabbits.  We saw goats, donkeys, sheep and pigs.  We learned that pigs grow very fast and like to keep cool by bathing in the mud.  The highlight of our trip was a tractor ride to see the deer and we learned all about how they grow antlers in the spring.  All the boys fed the deer and we saw really small baby deer in the shade.  After a picnic lunch we all went to the new nature trail and had a great time - some of us even saw a toad!  At the end of the day, we went into the chicken enclosure and found that they had laid loads of eggs!

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