Extreme Reading 2021
Whole School Extra Curricular

Rolling to victory

In the build up to World Book Week, the boys were asked to take part in an Extreme Reading competition during half term. The idea was for the boys to take a photo of themselves reading in an ‘extreme’ location. The wackier and wilder the better! Given the current restrictions it was much harder than previous years, so creativity and thinking outside the box was key! However, we were not disappointed and received a staggering 82 entries! There was a lot of tree climbing, some amazing acrobatic skills on the trampoline, a few diggers, some sheep and horses, a fair amount of roof sitting, freezing rivers and ponds (including a very brave Mrs Symonds and Mr Corbett) and some fine displays of acting too!

It was a tough decision but the winner was Jonny E in Year 5 who managed to read a book whilst rolling down a hill! Runners up were Ollie J in a washing machine, Theodore L up a very tall tree and Oliver B escaping from the witch in Hansel and Gretel!

Well done to everyone for being so creative and extreme!

You can view all of the entries in this video

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