Ski trip 2019
Trip Sport

A fantastic week in Folgaria

Two days after the end of last term, a group of 25 excited children (and some slightly more bleary-eyed staff and parents!) met at school for an extremely early start to this year’s ski trip. Despite the hour, our journey to Folgaria, in Italy was smooth and as we reached the mountains the anticipation grew and grew. Our hotel this year was perfectly situated at the bottom of the slopes and the early start at least meant that we had plenty of time to settle in and get everything ready for skiing the next morning.

Folgaria had a good early fall of snow this year and, while the weather during the week wasn’t the glorious blue skies that we would have preferred, the snow conditions on the slopes were good and the boys made some wonderful progress over the course of five days. The Italian approach is to conclude the week with some slalom races and it was great to see how well everyone dealt with the course smoothly and with good technique whilst also relishing the opportunity to go as fast as they could (boys will be boys, after all!).

Aside from the actual skiing, a big part of such a trip is, of course, the opportunity for fun and time spent with friends away from school and home. We enjoyed a range of evening activities, including a quiz, a movie night, a few rounds of Dinkee and a wonderful evening at the local pizzeria, where one of the highlights(?) on the menu was a ‘fries pizza’! Through all of these, the boys were great company and all of them contributed to a really enjoyable week; it was particularly nice to receive compliments on their behaviour from staff in the hotel and pizzeria and from fellow passengers on our flight home - they were splendid ambassadors for the school!

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