Remembrance Service
Whole School

A thought provoking and moving Remembrance Day service was held on Friday in the theatre, led this year by two Year 8 readers, and the junior and senior Choirs.  Attended by the whole school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff.

As well as the usual Remembrance themes, the Year 8 boys reminded us that both of the twentieth century wars were truly ‘World Wars’, involving many nations and communities that are often over looked from a traditional historical perspective. The boys learned that many of the most famous campaigns, which resulted in the Allies’ eventual victory, involved many small, even island nations of the Commonwealth and the rest of the world.

After the traditional one minute’s silence, Douglas A gave a very confident and moving rendition of ‘The Last Post’.

Our thanks to the History department for the planning, to Mr Cutting for preparing Douglas, and to the Music Department for putting together such a moving and memorable Remembrance Day Service.

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