Remembrance Day

A poignant service

A poignant and moving Remembrance Day service was held on Friday in the theatre led this year by our Year 8 boys.  Attended by the whole school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff. 

As well as the usual Remembrance themes, the Year 8 boys looked at how music played a very important role in the war, with many people creating, performing and listening to music in order to express emotions.  They considered and reflected on how popular songs and music helped to sustain and uplift people as they struggled with the hardships of living during wartime.  The boys talked through the history of military bands and the moral support they gave to their regiments.  The importance of the radio was also highlighted, which brought music from all over the world to the masses.  And of course, tribute was paid to Dame Vera Lynn whose song lyrics and nightly radio programme brought huge comfort to so many, both at home and abroad.

After the traditional one minute’s silence, an unprecedented seven senior trumpeters gave a very moving rendition of ‘The Last Post’, please click here for a YouTube video.

Our thanks to the History department for the planning, to Mr Cutting for preparing the trumpeters, and to the Music Department for putting together such a moving and memorable Remembrance Day Service.

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