Head's Blog: Launch of Google Expedition
Head's Blog Talks and Assemblies

On Tuesday, Google will be visiting Moulsford for the official launch of Google Expedition at the School. This amazing software allows classes to go on virtual field trips to such places as Mars, the Great Barrier Reef and Machu Picchu – there are 200 different locations which boys can visit.

During the day, a number of our staff will also receive training from Google.  Google are extremely selective in the schools which they will visit - we have a very good relationship with the company, having been among the first prep schools to use both Google Apps for Education and Google Classroom. We also have the ICT infrastructure in place to enable Google Expedition and other such programmes to operate effectively in school.

The absolute ideal is of course to visit a location in person. However, if boys are unable to get to the International Space Station for their 9.35am Science Lesson, Google Expedition represents a really good alternative. Please click this link for further details. 


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