Crossfit Training



Boys Go Crazy for Crossfit!


On Tuesday Year 7 and 8 were given the opportunity to learn some weightlifting techniques with a number of coaches from Crossfit Kids Corinthian. The boys were split in to three different groups to learn the basics of the Clean, Jerk or Snatch. These movements are brilliant for developing coordination and power within multiple muscle groups and help to promote excellent flexibility.


The coaches included James (13) and Lewis (15) who were able to demonstrate to the boys what they can achieve at such a young age and they really had the boys in awe of their achievements.


The aim of these sessions is to dispel the Old Wives Tale that lifting weights or learning techniques will stunt growth. Done in the correct environment with the right coaching, it can help to develop the boys athletically in preparation for their Senior Schools. The coaches will be coming in once per term to work with the boys and the PE department will be supplementing this in PE lessons as well.


These sessions are, however, the tip of the iceberg and link brilliantly with the work the PE department have been doing in collaboration with Mark Munroe (Head of Strength and Conditioning at St. Edward's). This has involved creating an Athletic Development Model to help your boys improve as athletes during their time at Moulsford, as well as games players.


If your son is keen to try out Crossfit Kids then the nearest affiliated centres are Crossfit Wycombe in Marlow or Crossfit Reading in Woodley. The Crossfit club at school continues to run 8.00-8.30 on Tuesday for Years 5 and 6 and 8.00-8.30 on Wednesday for Years 7 and 8 with all boys welcome.





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