Year 8 role models
On Monday our Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy entranced all the Pre-Prep children with a wonderful assembly about Respect. Jacob A and Oliver C had worked hard to produce a presentation which was informative and audience friendly. Both spoke with impressive confidence and authority and truly exemplified the Moulsford Values.
Our Pre-Prep children are gaining a strong moral compass built on firm foundations: they know right from wrong. Each girl and boy understands TAG* and many have used it effectively to sort out minor playground issues. However, to hear advice about Respect being given by 12 year old pupils produced a visceral response: our Head Boy and Deputy were inspirational. The two boys have proved themselves to be exceptional role models and have made a real difference. The adults in the room were left in no doubt that this assembly will live long in our children's memory. We are all really grateful to them.
* We tell our children to choose to use TAG if someone is behaving unkindly towards them:
- T - Tell them how they are making you feel
- A - Ask them to stop (the first two stages can be repeated)
- G - Get help from an adult