Reflections from the Head of Pre-Prep 11/10/24
Pre-Prep Staff Blog

Diffusing difficult situations

Pre-Prep Assembly started in a most extraordinary way on Monday as Mrs Lewis and Miss Lloyd tussled loudly over a book, arguing about who should have it and why. Immediately they settled a little, there was a very vocal and dramatic tiff between Mrs O'Neill and Mrs Haywood about friendship and the attendance at a party. These were Oscar winning performances and the children were open mouthed with shock as they watched the disputes unfold.

Eventually, I reassured everyone that the teachers were just pretending and really are the best of friends. I explained that I had wanted the children to appreciate how differences escalate.  I was keen for them to learn how, with 3 simple steps, they could start to take responsibility and diffuse difficult situations themselves.

I introduced TAG, an acronym for

Tell them how you feel

Ask them to stop

Get help

The aim is for every child to learn to express how the behaviour of someone else is making them feel, draw a line about the boundaries they will accept and, if necessary, turn to an adult for intervention. 

We will support the children as they start to use the process and see the benefits of taking responsibility for their own feelings. This is really grown-up stuff, but Pre-Prep is a safe and happy environment in which to practise these useful skills.

My aim is that the steps will become embedded in every child's thinking and this in turn will help to foster a commonality of language, resolve any disputes quickly, aid independence and nurture self-esteem.

Huge thanks to the staff for being so convincing!

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