Reflections from the Head of Pre-Prep 13/09/24
Staff Blog Pre-Prep

Filling Buckets

Filling buckets has been our aim in Pre-Prep this week. We are learning that everyone carries an invisible bucket representing how we feel ie our emotional and mental health. The children have been helping to fill buckets by being kind to one another; our own bucket fills when we perform an act of kindness or when someone is kind to us. 

Conversely, if we dip into someone's bucket by being unkind, not only does it affect them adversely, but it empties our own bucket.

As key adults it is our responsibility to demonstrate kind words and actions; sharing, being attentive and thoughtful. The children in our care will see this role modelling and reflect it back. We are teaching them to be kind and express themselves emotionally which will help them to lead happier and more loving lives. 

This is very much a shared responsibility so we would be delighted if you would discuss, reinforce and role model this message at home; we all want them to experience the joy of filling other people's buckets!

Sally Russell

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