Visit to Manor Farm, Cuxham
All of Year 3 had a great time out at the Nixey’s farm at Cuxham – a day of fresh air and nature certainly beats a day in the classroom!
The Nixey’s had very kindly laid on a tractor ride around the farm, stopping to look at the different types of arable crops grown there, different birds and animals, the cows and calves, and from the top of the hill, the views over the surrounding countryside.
There was a scarecrow building activity, stuffing trousers and shirts and ‘heads’ full of straw, making a face and then most challenging, thinking of a witty name! Ask Year 3 what they came up with, not me! We also tried to identify the seeds and grains in packets, but even having seen most of them growing in the fields, Henry then had to supply us with most of the answers!
There were geese and chickens around, old farm machinery and pump engines that Henry’s grandfather was passionate about, a civil war cannonball, brass rubbing in the Norman church and Mrs C had a quick play on the church organ!
Having our sandwiches in the middle of a field was lovely too and we were all very grateful to Mr and Mrs Nixey, Henry and his grandfather for all the time and effort they put into our visit.
We loved it!