Year 8 at Forest School

Year 8 goes wild in the woods

Year 8 had a camp out in the forest this week. Working in groups of seven, the boys made their own shelters from natural materials found in the woods that could survive an English summer's night (two tarpaulins were provided)!  The boys also cooked lunch on their own fires and helped prepare the pigeons we all had for supper.  At times it was hard to believe there were 42 boys camping in the wood, as it was so quiet.  After a few games, they retired to their shelters to tend to their fires and s̶w̶e̶e̶t̶s̶ … sleep.  Despite the best intentions of a couple of vocal foxes and a barn owl, a good night’s sleep was had by all, with the shelters still standing in the morning.  After striking camp, making sure there was minimal evidence that we had been there, we returned to school smokey, but happy.  Job well done!

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