Year 3 Trip to the Hawk Conservancy

A vortex of vultures and much more!

On Monday, the boys in Year 3 visited the Hawk Conservancy near Andover. Having visited many times before, the staff knew that they were in for a great day out and had been looking forward to the trip all term! The boys loved their visit and were a credit to the school. The shows were as good as ever and all the boys had the opportunity of holding a tawny owl - a fantastic experience. As usual, the highlight of the trip for many was the very low flying vulture display. There were shrieks of excitement as a whole vortex of vultures swooped over the boys’ heads. I was particularly pleased by the number of boys who have since thanked me for taking them. One boy even told me that it had been the best day of his life! You’re all very welcome, Year 3, and I’ll certainly be looking forward to welcoming you into Year 4 in September.

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