Stay and Play Success
Our Stay and Play on Saturday was a tremendous success. Prospective parents were, of course, hugely impressed by the facilities, the space and our resources. They were amazed at the outside spaces that the children enjoy and thought our wonderful building was stunning. They were warmly welcomed by the marketing team and listened carefully as the Headmaster and Amy Gemmell spoke to them. Most of our visitors brought young children who will join us in pre-School or Reception and loved seeing their off-spring learning in situ with our teachers.
But, more than anything, our visitors were impressed with our current pupils: their concentration, their collaboration, their evident enjoyment in learning. Your children were real ambassadors and did Moulsford proud: their behaviour was exemplary and they showed really good manners, holding doors for visitors and encouraging the toddlers who joined in with the activities.
Reflecting on Saturday morning, I am certain that the prospective parents will have taken home many messages but, for many, the strongest will be the enthusiasm, focus and kindness shown by the Moulsford children. Thank you to all who supported us in this event - it has left a lasting impression.