Service of Remembrance
Children from Nursery to Year 2 gathered in the Pre-Prep Hall on Monday 11th November, at 11am. All were smartly presented, blazers on and poppies worn. All stood respectfully in silence for a minute to mark Remembrance Day.
We had already explained that every year we all take time to reflect on the courage shown by men, women and children in wars. They had learned that we wear poppies in order to support those who have been affected by conflict. The children had seen images of the service at the Cenotaph in London. Of course we don't explain war and all its horrors with Pre-Prep pupils, but teaching our young people to respect human courage is important and a key British value.
Our ceremony sparked discussion amongst the children. Parents tell me that their children have asked questions about the courage and resilience that children are required to demonstrate in such difficult times. It can be challenging to decide how much to share with our children, but to be led by their questions and interests is always sensible. Are they curious or are they worried? By really listening to them and using open ended questions ourselves, we can help to ensure that our children receive the information that is appropriate for them at that time.