Travelling Book Fair
Whole School

A love of books

It has been fantastic to have the Travelling Book Fair with us this week, especially in our newly relocated Library. We have had so many visitors both in class and during break times and the books have been flying off the shelves. The boys have embraced the magical and exciting opportunities to choose and pay for books on their own terms and it has been wonderful to see them excitedly sharing books with each other.

We don't have a final figure yet for how much money we took this week - but it was a lot! Thank you so much for supporting the school's Book Fair. It will enable us to purchase more books for school from Scholastic, the company behind the fair.

As part of the Book Fair we also held a ‘book cover design’ competition and the boys were encouraged to create their own front cover, either from their own imaginations or copying one they had seen. There were lots of colourful entries but Mrs Cummings our Head of Art judged the following boys as winners:

  • Theo C – Tigers
  • James T-  3A
  • Monty D - 4S
  • Jacob A - 6O
  • Alex A-S - 6O
  • George A - 7D
  • Will J - 7D

Congratulations to all of the winners and a big thank you to parents for supporting your children and their love of books.

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