Bobcats Bear Hunt
Pre-Prep Pastoral

Year 8 entertain the Pre-Prep

Recently, some of our Year 8 boys offered to take the Bobcats on a bear hunt around the grounds. They had heard the boys had been looking at the famous book 'We are Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen so wanted to bring the book to life for the boys. Bertie W from 8W had created a bear hunting sheet for the boys and Arlo W (8M) and Harry M (8RH) devised a safe bear hunting route around the field. Once the boys had found the final bear they heard some growling and were surprised to see some real bears coming towards them! This was actually Ollie N and Theo T from 8M dressed up! The afternoon finished with Bertie W reading the book to the Bobcats and all the boys played together outside. It was a lovely way to see our Year 8 boys supporting the youngest children in the school. 

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