Reception and Year 1 Back to School
Pre-Prep Virtual Moulsford

Happy boys in the Pre-Prep

What a first week of the second half of Summer Term it has been! Our Year 1 and Reception boys have returned to site and I have been enormously impressed with their maturity for such young boys. How wonderful it has been to welcome so many happy, smiley faces to school each morning. Boys have been working in classrooms which are organised to allow for social distancing and playing in their own separate outdoor spaces and I am pleased to report that our bubbles remain unpopped. Phonics, English and Maths have been up and running consistently each morning while the afternoons have been filled with Playball with Mr MacKinnon, Humanities, Science and creative subjects. The boys have also been enjoying the opportunity to talk and play with each other.

We miss the Year 2 boys enormously in school but they have been working extremely hard in their virtual lessons and I know that both myself and Ms Richards have been impressed with their attitude to work.

Hopefully week two will be just as successful, thank you all for your continued support.

Sabrina McMann, Head of Pre-Prep

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