Forest School visit with the Bobcat Parents
Pre-Prep Parents Event

From little acorns……

On Monday, we welcomed many of the Bobcat parents to the woods, which enabled them to gain a deeper insight into the ethos and principles of Forest School and join in the fun with their sons.

The boys took great delight in giving parents a guided tour around the site and started by looking for some treasure in the form of oak leaves and acorns.  The detective work and searching produced a collection of acorns, one of which, was duly chosen to be planted as the “class” acorn.  The boys will now look after and nurture it for the next three years and will replant it back in the woods to mark the end of their time in Pre-Prep.  This not only gives them a connection to nature but also really helps to put into context the age of the trees we have up at the site and how long it has taken them to reach the height and maturity they are at.

The boys demonstrated to their parents their newfound climbing skills and we cooked toast on the fire for them whilst their parents enjoyed tea and coffee with a slice of flapjack from the amazing cooks in the school kitchen.  The afternoon was finished off with everyone sitting around the fire listening to a story about a little acorn and its journey to becoming a fully-grown oak tree.

Forest School visits for Parents of Years One and Two

Following the success of this afternoon, we plan to invite parents from Years One and Two to join us at some point in the Spring and Summer terms next year, when hopefully the weather will be kind.  Once we have dates we will let you know.  In the meantime, you can see what we get up to each week by following us on twitter @MoulsfordForest

Richard Squire and Fiona Thatcher

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