Shop until you drop!
And so the patter of boyish feet in the corridor outside the library has erupted into a riotous stampede…
Yes, the Travelling Book Fair has once again made its way to the library at Moulsford Prep.
Cries of, “I simply MUST have this book!” and “I’ve already got a pencil case – but this one is TOO cute!” have reverberated around the hallowed halls of the school. You really shouldn’t underestimate just how exciting the boys find a spot of retail therapy at school.
Reading seems to have really taken off in school and it’s been so lovely this week to see just how engaged the boys are by browsing through the books at the book fair. The other positive, of course, is that they have the opportunity to talk to each other about the books and to share their enthusiasm.
We also ran a poster competition to coincide with the Book Fair. We asked the boys to draw an A4 poster of their favourite book. The winners were Jasper D (Year 1), George A (Year 3), Hector C (Year 6) and Jack S (Year 8).