Year 8 Leavers’ Trip

Fun in damp Devon!


For this year’s Leavers’ Trip we took the boys to Georgeham in North Devon where we all stayed in St George's House, an outdoor activity centre. The weather wasn't very kind to us but the boys and staff had a fabulous week regardless. They surfed, kayaked, ringoed, climbed, cycled, paint balled, coasteered, as well as lots of running around and washing up!


The staff at the centre commented on what a lovely, friendly and helpful group of young men they were and were astounded at the initiative used by certain members of the group when it came to helping out with the activities. Moulsford staff were also very impressed by the boys. Despite running the trip and being responsible for 42 boys (not to mention the 4 male staff members), even I came home feeling as though I had been on holiday. Thank you to everyone involved who helped to make it so much fun.


Miss Roberts, Head of Year 8

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