Ski Trip December 2016
Pre-Prep Boarding

Moulsford Ski Trip Serre Chevalier - December 2016

Despite the 6 hours of airport rugby due to the delayed flight, our spirits stayed flying. The trip was filled with lots of fun, good food, wipe outs and pool table games.

With sun and fresh snow, the resort welcomed us. A variety of different coloured runs were available to test out newly learnt skills. Beautiful skiing was had by all, on the challenging slopes and the slightly more simple ones, the boys excelled and got better each day.

The hotel was very welcoming, making us feel at home immediately. A nice piece of cake was available each day, with a very warming hot chocolate after an adventurous day of skiing. Almost every night a pool table game was underway as well as table football, making the evenings really fun and relaxing at the same time. We also enjoyed an activity each evening, ranging from bowling to a DVD night.

A delicious supper was provided each night with a starter, main course and a very scrumptious dessert. Breakfasts in the hotel were really good with lots of different flavours of yoghurt, pain au chocolats, croissants and bread to help get us ready for a day of skiing.

The ski trip is one of the best trips available at Moulsford so we would recommend you try it!!!                                           Written by:  Josh Jackson

With many thanks to Mr and Mrs Griffiths who organise and supervise the Moulsford Ski Trip - look out for booking details for December 2017.

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